Hazari Nursing Home Milestones!

2002: A new Beginning:The start of Eye and Dental services.
Eye Center: Comprehensive eye care, Specialized Glaucoma Clinic with Yag Laser, Perimeter,Applanation To no meter, Advance Cataract Surgery Center: Oertli Phaco Machine, Moller Wedel Microscope.
2005: Topical Phaco Surgery with ‘No Stitch, No Patch’ cataract surgery.
2006: GdxVcc Nerve Fiber Analyzer
1st in Marathwada for advanced analysis for glaucoma
2007: Multifocal IOLs and TORIC IOLs.
2009: Infiniti Vision System Phaco System
1st in Marathwada: The most advanced phaco machine in the world with Ozil technology for enhanced safety and precision
2011: IOLMASTER Optical Biometer
1st in Marathwada: for precise results in cataract surgery.
2013: SD OCT + Fundus Camera:
Advanced imaging technology for Glaucoma and Retina
2013: Forum + Glaucoma Workplace Software
1st in Marathwada – highly advanced technology for caring for glaucoma and retinal disease.
2014: Centurion Vision System Phaco Machine with Active Fluidics
1st in Marathwada, the most advanced phaco machine in the WORLD!
2015: Crystal Electronic Health Records Software
2015: Refractive Surgery (Lasik / PRK / Femto) services started (@KBH)
2016: Yellow Multispot Micropulse Laser
1st in Marathwada, introducing ‘safe and efficient’ treatment options for glaucoma and retina.
2017: Ultra-Modern Modular Operation Theater with Laminar Flow
1st in Marathwada Dedicated Modular OT for eye surgery. Glaucoma and retinal treatments with Micropulse Laser, Laser Trabeculoplasty, AGV implant for Advanced Glaucoma
2019: Leica M822 Microscope
Advanced sophistication for high precision, safe microsurgery of the eye.