A Lifetime of Eye Health

  • TeenagersHealthy Eye Habits
  • There are particular eye health issues a teen should be aware of to ensure a lifetime of eye health. Learn the signs of eye problems that you and your teen should look for, as well as the healthy eye habits your teen should develop now.
  • Adults Under 40
  • Even though many young adults don’t experience symptoms of eye disease, it is important to know your eye disease risks and maintain a healthy lifestyle for good vision. Learn about appropriate vision screening and healthy eye habits to ensure a lifetime of eye health.
  • Adults 40 to 60
  • Middle age is a time when symptoms of many eye diseases may begin to emerge—and when other diseases can develop without any symptoms at all. It is crucial for adults with no symptoms of or no risk factors for eye disease to get a baseline eye examination at 40 so treatment can start early to save vision. Learn what to do now to see better later.
  • Adults Over 60
  • Normal aging of the eye does not lead to vision loss. Vision loss is the result of eye diseases, injuries or both. If you experience vision problems—or even if you don’t—it is important to see your Eye M.D. Learn the importance of regular eye exams, what to look for and what to do to preserve your vision.
  • Babies & Children
  • Protect your child’s eye health by getting information about recommended vision screenings and learning the signs of developmental eye problems that you should watch for in your child