About Dr. Ajit Hazari
Dr. Ajit Hazari is proficient in Phaco Cataract Surgery, Glaucoma care and LASIK refractive surgery.
Hazari Eye Hospital Aurangabad is one of best equipped Eye centre in Aurangabad for the treatment of Cataract and Glaucoma, Hazari Eye Hospital Aurangabad offers the most advanced Eye Care Treatment and Technology in Aurangabad today. Our expertise includes Cataract surgery under Topical anesthesia, ReSTOR multifocal IOL, TORIC IOL for astigmatism surgery, Monofocal foldable IOLS, Glaucoma surgery, Advanced Glaucoma Diagnostics and management with Cirrus Photo 800 OCT Fundus Camera, Humphrey Field analyzer, Yag laser, Applanation tonometer surgery, Gonioscopy.
Firsts for Marathwada Region:
First comprehensive glaucoma care centre in Marathwada
First to get RNFL analyser (GDxVCC)
First to get IOL Master for lens power calculation
First Centre to offer Multifocal IOLs for Cataract Surgery
First centre to offer Cataract Surgery under topical anesthesia
First Centre to have Torsional Phaco System ( Infiniti Vision System from Alcon)
First centre to have CIRRUS OCT 800 fundus camera with OCT for early diagnosis of glaucoma
First Centre to have Forum Glaucoma Workplace platform for detailed analysis and study of glaucoma to help improve diagnostics and management in Glaucoma
First Centre to have the Centurion Vision System, the most advanced phaco machine for safer cataract surgery.
Over the years, we have become a major/ tertiary referral centre for treatment as well as surgery for Glaucoma, with patients coming from all over Marathwada and surrounding area.
So when you come to us, we not only take care of your routine needs like spectacles and minor complaints, but we make sure that you undergo a complete Eye Exam, ensuring that your eyes are healthy.

Dr. Ajit Hazari

• To be a State of art eye center.
• To provide Clinical Rehab Services.
• To provide equitable services to all patients.
• To practice and promote transparency and ethical values.
• To provide Quality training to Ophthalmology Professionals.
• To keep the workforce updated with the latest in the eye care field.
• To continually upgrade and cover the complete spectrum of eye care services.
The VISION of Hazari Eye Hospital is to provide our patients care and cure by providing equipment and expertise at par with best in the world in a safe and holistic environment.
• Quality
• Empathy
• Care
• Equity
• Sensitivity